On my way home, I could not decide if I wanted to go walking or drinking to relieve my stress. Then Nick came home, and we went to the grocery store. I decided drinking would be better because I'm already exhausted. At the grocery store I bought some limes so we could make our fantastic margaritas. Now, I don't always drink away my bad days, but it's Friday, and it has been a while since my last margarita. So if you are having a bad day, sit back, relax and make a really good margarita.
1 part orange liquor (must be 40% alcohol by volume; our favorite and the best is Cointreau, pictured below)
1 part lime juice (we normally squeeze a few limes and then add some Real Lime to it; it takes a lot to squeeze all those limes)
As always with fruit drinks, shake vigorously and strain over ice.
You can adjust alcohol levels to be as weak or strong as you like.
We also rented a movie and ordered some really good pizza to help me feel better about my day.
So, next time you have a bad day, a really good margarita might make you feel better.