Friday, October 4, 2013

Happy Birthday Nick!

Happy 28th Birthday Nick!
Nick and his twin brother Jeremy. They were one week old in this picture.
I'm not sure if Nick is on the left or the right. I think he is on the left. 
James wore that same outfit when he came home from the hospital. 
James is obviously a little bigger than his daddy was.

You are the best husband and daddy, and you are the smartest person I know.
Thank you for cleaning the house during your lunch break and when you get home from work.
Thank you for also loading and unloading the dishwasher daily.
Our house (and lives) would be a wreck without you!

We love you! 
I hope you have a wonderful birthday! 


  1. Happy belated birthday, Nick - I tried to write on this posting on your b'day, but I was in San Francisco and my computer there (at our dental school) wouldn't pick up my message. I hope it was a great day.

  2. Happy birthday, Nick! I love Millie's hair so much!
